“Lost In Time” takes listeners on a sonic journey inspired by a pivotal moment in Thomas Anderbergs life – his inaugural voyage to the heartland of America in the summer of ’98. Nestled in the tranquil embrace of an Indiana countryside town, south of the bustling metropolis of Chicago, Thomas found himself immersed in a world where time seemed to stand still.
Drawing from the vivid recollections of that formative experience, the song captures the essence of nostalgia and introspection as Thomas retraces his steps through the corridors of memory. Originally conceived during a spirited jam session in 2020, under the working title “Michigan City,” the song underwent a metamorphosis, evolving through multiple iterations and revisions before starting to record the song together with guitarist Ola Berg. Ola’s distinctive guitar riffs and solos added a new dimension to the track, infusing it with raw energy and emotion. Through each rewrite, the melody and lyrics were sculpted and imbuied with the depth and authenticity that can only come from lived experience.
“Lost In Time” is more than just a song; it’s a testament to the power of music to transcend temporal and spatial boundaries, inviting the listener to embark on their own voyage of self-discovery and reminiscence.